2022年 Lia Thomas 成為美國第1位男跨女運動員贏得女子500碼自由泳冠軍,比第二名的奧運銀牌得主 Emma Weyant 快1.75秒。
“Scientific Human Identification Tool” is a logical deduction card game about the Diversity and Inclusivity of Social Labels. Players compete to identify and find their family members by analysing the scan results of Chip Cards with various Traits. The first player to succeed is the winner.
There are 30 unique characters from 6 families. Each represents a different part of recent Hong Kong history and atypical social groups: the Imperial Japan invasion, the influx of Vietnam refugees, the waves of immigration from mainland China, interracial lesbian marriage, the struggle of intersex, reverse discrimination, etc. 5 out of the 6 families are the representation of social diversity, but the purple family speculates a future where Inclusiveness is hijacked, and human’s morality is challenged.
The vibrant and maximalist game art reflects our wish for a diverse society. However, it also visualises the chaos and conflicts surrounding the topic of gender identification and the overcompensation of the pursuit of Political Correctness. The core game mechanic is derived from the traditional logic puzzle with a twist of parallel and non-linear progressions that converge exponentially towards the end. As the game progresses, more Character Cards are flipped over revealing the visually more harmonic front art substituting the chaotic back. This resonates with our key message: only through rational and open communication supported by logical judgements based on facts, could we achieve a long-lasting and intricate balance between social diversity, harmony, and reality.
我們活用推測設計 (Speculative Design) 的理念。遊戲中有6個家庭,其中的5個均為正面「包容」且多元的家庭,是英雄的代表;唯獨紫色家庭是按「縱容」為前提所推測出未來的極端家庭,是壞蛋的代表。成員包括自認外星人的(包容的底線)、譁眾取寵的網紅(當包容變成縱容)、虛擬角色(人類特徵的定義)、玩偶妻子(婚姻的定義)、和機器人(死物及人權的界線)。
提到性別運動不禁會聯想到彩虹旗和多元化等元素。因此我們嘗試大膽採用「極繁風格」(Maximalist),並再下一城,於封面採用多點透視的手法和魚眼效果重現 M.C. Escher 著名的 Relativity 畫作,將性別認同議題的混沌現狀以視覺的方式呈現。